junior school

[ˈdʒu:njə sku:l]
  • 释义
  • 小学;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Part one introduces the current situation of the secondary education in Da Wo junior school.


  • 2、

    A preparatory school is a private junior school, where parents pay for their childre's education.

    预科学校是私立高级学校, 学生家长要交付教育费.

  • 3、

    Jeff, 30, teaches in both Qinghua High School and Qinghua Junior School.

    杰夫今年三十岁, 同时执教于清华高中和清华初中.

  • 4、

    Phil Fearon , the soul singer , went to junior school with me.


  • 5、

    The boy has become more and more rebellious since he went to junior school.


  • 6、

    Tomorrow we will have our lastest test of Junior school.


  • 7、

    The Sun quoted furious parents of children at High Greave Junior School.


  • 8、

    Is the girl a junior school student?


  • 9、

    Obviously , Hua Luogeng benefited from it a lot when he was a junior school student.


  • 10、

    Nowadays, most junior school students in Shanghai use Oxford English.

    目前, 上海大部分初中都在使用《牛津英语》上海版.

  • 11、

    Secondary school means junior school and high school.


  • 12、

    Objective To study the suicide status of grade one junior school students in Jinan city.


  • 13、

    We are junior school students now, so we have to do something for the Olympic Games.

    我们小学生, 正要在这个时刻为奥林匹克运动会贡献一点力量.

  • 14、

    Helli : oh , please, we did that in junior school.

    哦, 算了, 我们在初中就那样做了.

  • 15、

    Herne Bay Junior School, situated in the centre, about 500 students.

    赫恩湾小学坐落在市中心, 大约有500名学生.

  • 16、

    Jeff: I can waltz a little. We had to learn in junior school.

    杰夫: 会一点儿. 我们在中学时必须得学.
